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  March 3rd, 2000

Rained, didn't go.

  February 25th, 2000

Rained, didn't go.

  February 18th, 2000

No rain, but I didn't make it out. Would like to pass a bit of info along to fellow racers. I would suggest staying away from the strip behind Renton Honda for a while. And if you don't see any cars parked out there(the typical few employee/company cars you see left out overnight) stay the hell away for sure! Seems the area businesses have inked a deal to set the entire off area limits to anyone and everyone. Also sanctioning it as private property.

What does all this mean? Well it means that the cops can (and will, as this is their plan) block off the entire area with us in it. Then ticket everyone on the way out for tresspassing. While this is not a huge thing in and of itself they won't stop there. More than likely they'll take advantage of the situation. This would include issuing tickets for modified exhuast, modified lighting, excessive lighting, no front liscense plate, and they may even take a cue from their California buddies and have people starting popping their hoods to check for stolen parts and illegal mods. Hope the warning helps people out.

  February 11th, 2000

After an unsuccesful party at Curt's house (no women showed up). I had planned on going with Travis out to drags. But Vince is in his car and the tear off. So I get Travis' girlfriend to go find them. We meet up at the Super Safeway parking lot. Decide we both need gas and head over to Arco. After filling up and switching passengers we mob down to 76 in Tukwila.

Everyone is hungry so we rab some food from Wendy's we sit and wait for 12. As we are waiting we here a ricer going full bore and heading this way. The cop that pulled in to the gas station about 5 minutes earlier heard it too. The cop goes full speed for the exit ready to 5-0 whoever it is. Four cars pull in including a yellow Type-R. Po hits it in reverse and gets out to talk to the Type-R driver. It looked like the guy in the Integra got hand-cuffed. I am not real sure as I couldn't see too well from my vantage point in front of Wendy's.

Travis and I decide to head out and move to the strip by Long Acres. Only one guy in a Civic followed us out there. We get about half track and the guy in the Civic busts a U. Fucking stupid because about 30 seconds later I can see a line of head lights coming our way. I yell to Travis and tell him to park.

Its about a five minute wait after we pull in we see a guy with a beat to shit pick up and a Banshee in the pack pull in next to us. Travis and I walk over to check it and they start unloading it. The guy starts it up and moves for the street. Another dude yells to see a burn out so the Banshee starts spinning the tires then moves in to doing a donut. He heads down to the staging area and pulls up to a waiting Eclipse GSX. They race and the GSX gets totally smoked. Once again they go at it with the Banshee winning. The quad continues to race people including a rally Subaru, Civic Si, Prelude, etc. He only ended up losing once.

After this Travis pulls out in the CRX ready to rumble. He runs the 1320 about 10 times total switching passengers after each 3 runs. I setup a race between him and a yellow CRX Si. The race goes pretty damn close with Trav winning by about a car length.

After the races have gone on there for a solid hour (fucking amazing!) someone yells 5-0. And people start to move. We are all tired and decide to just head home. I later asked Travis if saw a cop and told me he didn't. We also discussed the fact that we didn't hear any crap like "Please drive carefully and don't speed." So looks like it could have gone on longer the hour if people didn't think a cop was out there.

  February 4th, 2000

As usual we drove down to the 76 station in Tukwila. Lots of cops out tonight. Saw about four people get pulled over within a 400 foot radius of the gas station. Probally nothing but bullshit charges. We moved across the street over by the 7-11. At one point it looked like the cops were trying to trap us in. But they soon gave up as everyone transitioned from loitering to being inside the store buying shit.

Finally around 12 the TGR crew follows a few guys to the strip by Long Acres. We are there for no more then 5 minutes when we see a group of 30 or so cars start to roll in. Then another group with 40-50 cars. Couple minutes later the entire strip us completely filled. Some cop shows up and everyone rolls.

Now this is where it gets interesting. As we move out of the strip and towards Grady Way (which took about 10 mintues because of all the traffic) we see a *ton* of cars. Yep, every single lane going both ways down the entire street on Grady Way is filled with racers. Not only that but we have 70 plus cars still coming out from Long Acres and I can see a bunch pouring out of the track behind Renton Honda.

So Top Gun moves out towards the freeway in an effort to get to West Marginal. We are on the freeway alone as a red light caught the crowd. Rolling slow to let the racers catch up. It is a truly amazing site the number of cars we can see behind us coming up. So finally we get out to West Marginal, and its already filled with cars! Luckily we were first in line and got a parking spot. We get out and watch about 13 races go down. At one point Mike (the guy with the CRX) yells out 'fight!' And we all run across the street towards a late model Blazer with all its towards open a comotion goin on by it. By the time I get over there I don't see anything. Not sure if there really was a fight or not. Doesn't really matter, though, as right then 5-0 rolls in.

We follow a huge line of cars out of there. After driving around Seattle for 15 minutes I thought the pace car was lost. At last we end up at a strip I haven't been to before. Its an industrial park in Seattle. Not exactly sure where it is, I will find out soon though. Well we pull in and are in bumper to bumper traffic. Forget about racing there is just waaaay too many cars! Finally seven minutes later we get past the cars and take a left. We planned on going around the block and coming up midway down the track.

Travis has to take a leak though we pulled in to a parking lot with a bush by the building. He gets out pissing and just as he gets back Seattle Po rolls in with one car. He blocked off an intersection a block down from the corner parking lot we were at. We waited there to see what he would do before committing to an exit from our spot. All of sudden he flys up to block the intersection right next to us. So we get on the street and take a right to avoid him. Just as we do another lady cop rolls up a block down.

So we mad it out of there and started heading back to West Marginal with the other cars. On our way a black cop pulls out in the pack and everyone starts busting a U. Travis and I decide to head home as it was like 3AM and he had to be up for work at 7AM.

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